19 March 2012

Free 3 day workshop on the Fundamentals of Lightroom 4

Another Great CreativeLIVE Event

I always enjoy the workshops at CreativeLive.  What could be better than a 3 day workshop for free?  This time it's on the new Lightroom 4 software which is now running at half the cost of what Lightroom 3 was.  So for $149, you can have a new professional photography cataloging and adjustment software with a 3 day workshop to boot.  As someone who has used Lightroom for a number of years, I look forward to the upgrades. I thought I would stick with Lightroom  3, because it does everything I need it to do. But I hear Lightroom 4 does it better. I am planning to follow the workshop with a trial version to make sure it is worth the upgrade, but from what I hear, it is.

This work shop at CreativeLive.com will be taught by Laura Shoe, a blogger, instructor, fine art photographer and Lighroom certified expert. This is a fundamentals class, but being a new version, I know I will learn something of the new software. Any course I have watched on CreativeLive, no matter how well versed I am on a subject, I always learn something. Everyone can bring something new to the table with their personal experiences and variety in workflow.

These courses are always free for the first three days to watch the video stream. And if you want to purchase the video's they are at a discount while the steam of the workshop is going on.  This one is $79 for the discounted price if you want to order the videos, then goes up to $99 after the weekend. I have purchased about 6 video workshops in the past do the invaluable information. 

So check out CreativeLive and the Lightroom workshop coming March 29th starting at 9 am. Also track other creat workshops at the CreativeLive Calendar.

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